Tuesday, August 24, 2010


In early 2006 I began noticing an ability to hear and feel things that I couldn't understand and why it was happening. So I began a journey to find out what was going on with me. I met others who were going through the same thing, only to be met with attitudes by people who didn't want to help others. I started looking at websites and I came across Feelingforhealing.com. Right away I knew this is where I would find my answers.

As I started going to classes and gathering's it all started to make sense. A wonderful and helpful lady told me I was a medium, that she could help me get control of it and understand it. As time passed she paired me with a partner who went through what I was going through and it has been fun since then. My gifts have gotten stronger and have become second nature to me now. I have started to work with a group here in Michigan called a-p-r-u

and they have allowed me to take things to a new level in helping people in a way that brings a new standard as a medium.

1 comment:

  1. hi my name is sheri i know matt threw outreach paranormal research i have met matt on a couple occassions he's a fantastic man. i called out for help from matt because of a black dog and strange things happening in my home objects moveing and so forth. i felt in my heart that maybe it was my dad letting me know he was in my home but as time went on and haveing my home investigated the first time i knew then this couldnt be my father because he was never an angry person. i just needed more answers only answers matt could answer with the blessing he had been given so on friday august 20th 2010 matt had come into my home now need i remind you i to am also a lead investigator for outreach paranormal research but this is something i couldnt figure out without the help of matt i needed to know why things were happening in my home the way they were and who was apart of it and matt gave me the answers i was looking for he knew excatly who was in my home and why and yes my father was one of them. matt was very dedicated on my home investigation he took time to talk to me one on one and did a great job explaining things to me matt is loyal, honest,dedicated,sincere,accurate,careing,every-thing you can possibly think of when it comes to a medium matt is very devoted to the gift he was given but most of all he's very dedicated to helping those like myself that need to find answers and also messages that need to be heard from a loved one who has passed or just maybe someone who is just hanging around in your home.all and all for those who dont know matt hazen please believe this man can give you the help you need and deserve he really is a blessing and getting answers and helping you with paranormal situations that are unexplained that only a medium can help you with.i give him alot of respect and a huge thank-you for the help he has given me so for all of you out there this is real matt is real get to know him youll see for yourself matt is truly the best.
