Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I have been a medium the past 4+ years. A true medium who takes caring to a whole new level when it comes to clients and helping them reach a loved one who has passed on or a loved one who has passed that wants to get a message out to the living. I have taken the oath that I would not be like most mediums I have met. I would go that extra mile, showing people that I care and truly want to help them. it is Not about how much I can charge in a field already filled with disbelief and lack of trust. Hopefully one day mediums can come together and set aside there differences and make a change for the good


In early 2006 I began noticing an ability to hear and feel things that I couldn't understand and why it was happening. So I began a journey to find out what was going on with me. I met others who were going through the same thing, only to be met with attitudes by people who didn't want to help others. I started looking at websites and I came across Feelingforhealing.com. Right away I knew this is where I would find my answers.

As I started going to classes and gathering's it all started to make sense. A wonderful and helpful lady told me I was a medium, that she could help me get control of it and understand it. As time passed she paired me with a partner who went through what I was going through and it has been fun since then. My gifts have gotten stronger and have become second nature to me now. I have started to work with a group here in Michigan called a-p-r-u

and they have allowed me to take things to a new level in helping people in a way that brings a new standard as a medium.